
Information sharing agreements under chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Part 5 of the Digital Economy Act 2017


ISA status
1For the provision of benefit eligibility verification checks to support energy suppliers deliver the Broader Group component of the Warm Home Discount Scheme (WHDS)Public Service Delivery - Fuel poverty2019‑07‑042020‑03‑31Complete
2Exploring Potential Fraud in the Help to Buy SchemeFraud2018‑09‑062019‑05‑31Complete
3National Fraud Initiative - HMRC and Local Authority Counter Fraud PilotFraud2018‑12‑012020‑12‑31Complete
4Testing the feasibility of data matching between VOA and DWP data for improved fuel poverty targetingPublic Service Delivery - Fuel poverty2019‑02‑182019‑12‑31Complete
5For the provision of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) data matching and sharing servicePublic Service Delivery - Fuel poverty2018‑12‑032022‑03‑31Complete
6For the provision of the Warmer Homes Scotland (WHS) data matching and sharing servicePublic Service Delivery - Fuel poverty2018‑12‑172019‑12‑31Complete
7For the provision of data matching and sharing services to support Shell Energy (previously known as First Utility) deliver debt reduction assistance to eligible domestic energy customers.Public Service Delivery - Fuel poverty2019‑03‑252019‑06‑30Complete
8Exploring differences in company accounts filed between Companies House and HMRCFraud2018‑09‑062019‑03‑31Complete
9Childcare Pilot 001Fraud2019‑06‑032019‑09‑27Complete
10Pilot data share between Birmingham City Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
11Pilot data share between Bolton Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
12Pilot data share between Bradford Metropolitan District Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
13Pilot data share between Brighton and Hove City Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
14Pilot data share between Carmarthenshire District Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
15Pilot data share between City of Wolverhampton Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
16Pilot data share between Cornwall Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
17Pilot data share between Coventry City Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
18Pilot data share between Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
19Pilot data share between Ealing Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete
20Pilot data share between Eastbourne Borough Council and HMRC to manage and reduce Council Tax debtDebt2019‑03‑292020‑03‑28Complete

Showing Agreements 1 to 20 of 430.